When was the last time you read a long article online from start to finish, without seeing any images? Most information today is communicated online via web articles and blogs—like this one—using a combination of text and images or graphics. Why is this? One reason is that infographics are liked
Author: National Geographic Learning
Tips for Communication and Collaboration in the 21st Century Classroom
The ability to communicate clearly and collaborate with others are two of the most important skills for today’s learners. These skills need to be developed through consistent practice, so it’s important to provide plenty of opportunities for learners to speak and work with others in class. Below are some ideas
3 Tips to Improve Visual Literacy in the ELT Classroom
We deal with an increasing amount of information daily, whether we are scrolling social media or catching up on the news. How can we avoid information overload and retain what we read? We need to be active consumers of information, constantly improving our ability to understand and present information visually.
New Ways to Support EMI Teachers, Students, and Schools
English-Medium Instruction (EMI) is the use of the English language to teach academic subjects in settings where English is not the most common language of education. Over the past two decades, the number of schools with EMI curricula has expanded dramatically because English became essential for success in a variety
Meeting the Challenges of Teaching Literacy to Very Young English Learners
When you are four years old, it can be intimidating to walk into a classroom for the first time and be expected to learn to read and write in English. You hear unfamiliar sounds, your favorite animal or food is called something different, and you are unsure how to act. Can
An Educator’s Perspective: Lessons learned in preparing multilingual students to study in English
In November of 2022, National Geographic Learning hosted two panels titled ‘The Evolving World of English Learning: A School’s-Eye View‘ featuring the perspective of several educators. Following the discussions, the panelists reflected on the question ‘What are the most important lessons you’ve learned in preparing multilingual students to study some
Learning Moments: teaching present continuous
We’re back with more Learning Moments photos! This week’s highlighted photo was taken by Lilly Anastasiou from Athens, Greece. Read on to learn what makes this photo great for teaching the present continuous. Let us know if you try it out with your students! Photo submitted by Lilly Anastasiou from Athens, Greece. School/Institution: Iordanakeion
Learning Moments: A Sunrise in the Maldives
This Learning Moment was submitted by Abir Doukani from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The photo is of a sunrise on the island of Thulhagiri, Maldives. Read on to learn more about how you might use this photo in your classroom! What makes this photo a learning moment? Tell us how you might use
Learning Moments Spotlight: a beautiful Sunset
If you’re dreaming of warmer weather and a beautiful sunset, take a look at Juan Flamenco’s photo taken in San Salvador, El Salvador. Submitted by Juan Flamenco, a teacher in San Salvador, El Salvador. School/Institution: Universidad Jose Simeon Canas What makes this photo a learning moment? Tell us how you might
Learning Moments: Playing the Drums
Our next Learning Moments featured photo was submitted by Krystyna Jakubowicz from Poland and features her son. Read on to find out what makes this photo a learning moment! Photo submitted by Krystyna Jakubowicz from Konin, Poland. School/Institution: UNILINGUA What makes this photo a learning moment? Tell us how you might