We live in a world that has become an increasingly complex web of connections and interdependencies. Our young learners need to get ready to thrive in such a world to do so, tangible skills such as language proficiency are obviously critical to success. But language skills are just part of
Tag: Global Citizenship
We’re all different, we’re all the same!
In this month’s blog post, Katherine writes about the importance of creating a classroom which promotes equality and celebrates diversity. She explains what equality and diversity mean and why they are important in our context. She then shares a classroom activity to get children thinking about one aspect of diversity,
Capturing Culture in your Classroom
Music, food, language, dance, stories and decorations. These are just a few of the ways that people express their cultural heritage. As a photographer, one of the most exciting parts of my work is discovering and photographing different cultural traditions around the world. When I visit a new place, I
Interview: Gabby Salazar on Inspiring Environmental Responsibility in the YL Classroom through Photography
Listen to Gabby Salazar talk in more detail about how to inspire environmental responsibility in the YL classroom through photography! Have you read Gabby’s article on the subject?
Inspiring Environmental Responsibility in the Young Learner Classroom with Photography
When I was 11 years old, my father gave me my first camera and took me to a friend’s backyard garden to photograph birds. Sitting in a small shelter with my eye pressed against the camera’s viewfinder, I watched as bright red cardinals and brilliantly colored blue jays landed on
Introducing National Geographic Learning: In Focus!
We’re very excited to introduce National Geographic Learning’s new blog for teachers and learners of English, In Focus. Here at In Focus, we’ll explore ideas and topics that relate to our core values of English language teaching: developing global citizens, preparing students to be 21st century learners, motivating learners through engaging