Teens Making an Impact: Elliot Sarrey, Brooke Martin & Robert Saunt

Teens Making an Impact

Many teenagers today are concerned about their places in the world and their roles as global citizens. They’re developing a sense of social responsibility. They’re also developing a personal sense of values and looking for role models. This month, we’re pulling from our programs for teenagers to share real stories of teenagers who are making an impact on their community and on the world.

Elliot Sarrey, Brooke Martin & Robert Saunt
If you think young people can’t have an impact on the world, think again. Over the years, teens have invented remarkable things that solve problems and change the ways people do things. In this reading from Impact 1, we feature three stories of young inventors building robots, apps and other technologies that make can make life easier for us all!

Your turn!

Which of these three inventions do you think is the most useful? Why?

Did you see Luciana Fernandez’s webinar “Empowering Teenagers to be the Change the World Needs”? If you missed it, you can still watch the recording here.

Author: National Geographic Learning

National Geographic Learning’s mission is to bring the world to the classroom and the classroom to life. With our English language programs, students learn about their world by experiencing it. Through our partnerships with National Geographic and TED, they develop the language and skills they need to be successful global citizens and leaders.

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