Each month in this new blog post series, Katherine offers five practical and engaging classroom activities which all use the same photo as a starting point. The ideas can be adapted to work with all ages and levels and are designed to recycle language in an engaging way while developing
Author: Katherine Bilsborough
Look and Do: One photo, Lots of Classroom Ideas
Each month in this new blog post series, Katherine offers five practical and engaging classroom activities which all use the same photo as a starting point. The ideas can be adapted to work with all ages and levels and are designed to recycle language in an engaging way while developing
Think, Pair, Share
In this blog post, Katherine writes about think, pair, share, a learning strategy that can be easily incorporated into classroom practice as a way of structuring learners’ approach to a task. She explains what think, pair, share is and why it can be useful. She then shares a step-by-step guide to
We’re all different, we’re all the same!
In this month’s blog post, Katherine writes about the importance of creating a classroom which promotes equality and celebrates diversity. She explains what equality and diversity mean and why they are important in our context. She then shares a classroom activity to get children thinking about one aspect of diversity,
K-W-L Charts: A simple way to promote critical thinking with young learners
In this month’s blog post, Katherine writes about using K-W-L charts with primary children. She explains what K-W-L charts are and how they can be used to develop critical thinking skills that mirror those needed in the real world. She suggests how K-W-L charts can be adapted to enhance the
Learning journals for young learners: what, why and how?
In this month’s blog post Katherine shares some ideas for using learning journals with young learners. She explains what they are, why they are a good idea and how they can be used. She also provides a simple reflection task to support your professional development. We invite you to send
What do you prefer?
It’s World Book Day on April 23rd. In this month’s blog post, I will share a ‘Books and Reading’ survey idea for teachers to try out with their primary students. I will also provide a simple reflection task to support Professional Development. We invite you to send us your feedback.
Choice Boards
Decision-making is an important life skill that all children need to develop. As teachers we share the responsibility, not only of providing opportunities in the classroom for our learners to make choices, but also to help them understand that the choices they make have consequences. There are lots of ways
Our Names, Our Words
In this series of blog posts Katherine will share a selection of learner centered classroom activities for teachers to try out with their own learners. Each month she will suggest something new to try out in the classroom and provide a simple reflection task to support Professional Development. We invite
More activities for teaching the four skills in every young learner lesson
In my previous post, Tips for teaching the four skills in every young learner lesson, I looked at getting organised in terms of focusing on the four skills in each lesson. In Part Two, I suggest ideas for adding skills practice into simple add-on activities, board activities and activities with images.