I’d like to start this final post in this Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) blog series with an explanation. Despite the distinction we’re making between environmental SDGs, such as number 13 – Climate action – and social SDGs, like number 1 – No poverty – you will have realized that the
Author: Daniel Barber
How to ‘go green’ in your classes with the SDGs
So far in this series, we’ve examined the connection between English teaching and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and how projects can be leveraged to let learners explore the SDGs for themselves. In this post, we focus on the SDGs that concern the climate and biodiversity crises, such as SDG 7
Exploring the SDGs Through Project Work
In the first post in this series, we looked at why we should promote the United Nation’s SDGS – Sustainable Development Goals – with our English learners. This post turns to the how, specifically, in the shape of projects. If your teaching normally consists of individual lessons from a course,
The SDGs and English Language Teaching
Eight years ago, the United Nations set an ambitious agenda for change on a global scale: the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These 17 goals aim to create a sustainable and equitable future for all, addressing issues related to wealth, health, education, work, justice, sustainability, and protection for the natural world.
Interview: Dan Barber on Why to Use TED Talks in your ELT Classroom
Listen to our interview with Dan Barber talking about how TED Talks really do make good English lessons and download Dan’s FREE lesson plan around Rana el Kaliouby’s TED Talk on an app that can read your emotions! Have you read Dan’s article here?
Six Reasons TED Talks Make Great English Lessons
TED became popular around the same time as Twitter, so it may come as a surprise to the millions of enthusiastic fans to meet people who haven’t heard of it. TED Talks aren’t quite as ubiquitous as funny-cat videos but they provide an intelligent balance to that more frivolous side